
Ultrasonic amplitude lever

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Ultrasonic amplitude lever

date:[2011-04-04]     pk_hits:

The ultrasonic amplitude converter (ultrasonic amplitude converter), as the name suggests, is a functional component that works in conjunction with an ultrasonic transducer to change the amplitude of ultrasonic vibration. Its main function is to change the amplitude of the transducer (usually increasing), improve the vibration speed ratio, improve efficiency, improve the mechanical quality factor, strengthen heat resistance, expand the temperature range, and extend the service life of the transducer. The ultrasonic transducer adjusts the load matching between the transducer and the ultrasonic tool head by installing a variable amplitude rod (ultrasonic transducer), reduces the resonant impedance, improves the electro-acoustic conversion efficiency when operating at the resonant frequency, effectively reduces the heat generation of the ultrasonic transducer, and improves its service life.

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