
Medical applications of ultrasound

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Medical applications of ultrasound

date:[2012-06-06]     pk_hits:

The working principle of medical ultrasound examination is similar to that of sonar, which means that when ultrasound is emitted into the human body, it will reflect and refract when it encounters an interface in the body, and may be absorbed and attenuated in human tissues. Because the shape and structure of various tissues in the human body are different, the degree of reflection, refraction, and absorption of ultrasound also varies. Doctors identify them precisely by the characteristics of the waveform, curve, or image reflected by the instrument. In addition, by combining anatomical knowledge, normal and pathological changes, it is possible to diagnose whether the examined organ is diseased.

At present, doctors use different forms of ultrasound diagnostic methods, which can be divided into four categories: A-type, B-type, M-type, and D-type.

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