
Principle of Ultrasonic Cleaning

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Principle of Ultrasonic Cleaning

date:[2012-06-06]     pk_hits:

The principle of ultrasonic cleaning is that the high-frequency oscillation signal emitted by the ultrasonic generator is converted into high-frequency mechanical oscillation through a transducer and propagated to the medium. The ultrasonic waves in the cleaning solvent radiate forward in the cleaning solution, causing the liquid to flow and produce tens of thousands of tiny bubbles. The tiny bubbles (cavitation nuclei) existing in the liquid vibrate under the action of the sound field, and when the sound pressure reaches a certain value.

The bubbles grow rapidly and then suddenly close, generating a shock wave when they close, creating thousands of atmospheric pressures around them, disrupting insoluble pollutants and dispersing them in the cleaning solution. When group particles are wrapped in oil and adhere to the surface of the cleaning part, the oil is emulsified, and solid particles detach, thus achieving the purpose of purifying the surface of the cleaning part.

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