

You can contact us through the following methods

If you are interested in our company and our products, please feel free to visit our company or our local office for investigation. You can also communicate with us through online consultation, requirement form submission, sending emails, calling the consultation hotline, and other methods! Our employees will be dedicated to providing you with applied knowledge and product information, as well as our thoughtful service.
Zhuhai Xiangzhou Hongqiang Mold Processing Factory

If you have any questions or suggestions about the product, or if you want to know more, you can contact us at any time.

    Contact Us

  • Add:2nd floor No. 109 Xinghua Road Xiangzhou District Zhuhai City
  • Tel:0756-8638517
  • E-mail:hongqiang3545@163.com
  • 13809233545 More
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